The Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Center has received the BREEAM IN-USE certificate with a “Very Good” rating in Asset Performance and Building Management. The audit was conducted by Cushman & Wakefield. CA Immo is the owner of the office building.
The Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Center is located in Warsaw’s Ochota district, between Jerozolimskie Avenue and Grójecka Street. It offers 20,000 sqm of usable space, of which 19,000 sqm are office space.
“The BREEAM IN-USE certificate awarded to the Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Center is a confirmation that the building meets the certifier’s requirements for a ‘very good’ rating although more than 15 years have gone by since it was delivered to the market. Thanks to Cushman & Wakefield’s sustainable property management the building has maintained first-rate occupant comfort and improved its standard through green and modern technological solutions, including photovoltaics and clean energy generation,” said Grzegorz Dąbrowski, Property Manager, BREEAM IN-USE Assessor, Asset Services, Cushman & Wakefield.