of Conference Attendance
  1. Service Provider: International Property Network Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság
    Seat: 1027 Budapest, Bem József u. 1/B.
    Registering authority: Budapest Metropolitan Court as Court of Registration
    Court register number: Cg. 01-10-049243
    VAT number: 25890877-2-41
    E-mail address:
  2. General dispositions
    1. The present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) establish between International Property Network Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider”) and the legal or natural entities (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) that use the possibility of purchasing tickets via internet to the conferences and other events organized by the Service Provider (hereinafter: “Event”; the Service Provider and the User hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties”) the conditions of using the service for the purchase of tickets, as well as the rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the User. The sale-purchase agreement can be concluded in the English language.
    2. The Service Provider operates an online ticket sales system (System), to facilitate the purchase of tickets to the Events. Only the sale of tickets for the Events organized by the Service Provider is provided in the System (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). This Service is not subject to authorization.
    3. The User has no obligation to register while using the System. The User shall provide their personal data that are necessary for the provision of the Service. The User hereby accepts the provisions of the present GTC. Upon using the Service the User acknowledges to be acquainted with, to have understood and to be bound by the conditions of the present GTC.
    4. The processing of User’s personal data is based on User’s consent. User agrees to their personal data given in the course of using the Service being processed for the purposes of providing the Service (including the conclusion of the sale-purchase agreement and related actions, such as invoicing, as well as preparing the Event) within the scope of the present GTC. User also expressly agrees to their personal data being forwarded to, and handled by Net Média Kiadó és Internettartalom Szolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (Seat: 1027 Budapest, Bem József u. 1/B.; Registering authority: Budapest Metropolitan Court as Court of Registration; Court register number: Cg.01-10-044439; VAT number: 12527052-2-41; E-mail address:, hereinafter: „Net Média) for the purposes of providing the Services. Service Provider is not liable for Net Média’s processing of User’s personal data. The remedies at User’s disposal regarding the processing of personal data are contained in Section VIII. below.
    5. The User shall provide real data while using the System. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the damages and costs that arise from User failing to comply with this obligation.
    6. The Service Provider is entitled to reject any purchase order or purchase of the User if it infringes regulations, laws, contractual obligations of the Service Provider, the ethical norms and rules accepted by the self-regulating body that is relevant in regards to the Service Provider, or otherwise infringes morality or the Service Provider’s business interests in any way.
    7. The Parties accept that the agreement concerning the User’s purchase concluded between them is not considered to be a written agreement, thus it cannot be accessed as archived at the Service Provider. Conclusion of the agreement is attested by the confirmation the Service Provider sends in an e-mail following the purchase. In case payment was not made online, the pro forma invoice is also attached to the confirmation e-mail in PDF format.
    8. The User acknowledges the following technical and legal restrictions and risks of the Service:
      1. Due to the characteristics of the internet, the continuous operation of the System may be interrupted without the Service Provider’s prior knowledge or intention. The Service Provider does everything that can be reasonably expected in order to ensure undisturbed operation, but cannot guarantee the faultless and undisturbed operation of the Service and the related website (e.g. the payment partners’), or continuous and faultless access to the Service. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages and costs that arise from the interruption or fault in the access to the Service.
      2. The Service Provider is entitled to fully or partially interrupt the Service without prior information or notice for the purposes of maintaining the Service or the related website, or for any security reasons.
      3. The Service Provider shall only be liable for the damages that were caused by faults that can be attributed to its intention or gross negligence. This does not limit Service Provider’s liability for a breach of contract resulting in loss of life, or harm to physical integrity or health.
      4. The User acknowledges that the online payment system that is accessible via the website is not operated by the Service Provider, thus the Service Provider shall not be held liable for the related damages, abuses, or the failure of the transaction made via the online payment system.
    9. The Service Provider is entitled to amend the present GTC unilaterally. In case the GTC is amended, the Service Provider notifies the User by publishing the GTC on, at least 8 days prior to the date the amendment comes into force.
    10. The User shall assume full responsibility for his actions while using the Service Provider’s System. The User undertakes to notify the Service Provider’s customer service immediately in case of an unauthorized use of their data or any other breach of security.
    11. By registering, I agree for my contact details to be shared with the co-organiser of this event (RICS).
    12. User acknowledges, that by registration they give their consent to International Property Network INC. (Hereinafter referred to as: Association) concerning the management, storage and forwarding of their personal data by using the present service under Act CXII of 2011. The data management consent may be withdrawn at any time. The association manages personal data on the basis of registration issued by the National Authority of Data Protection and Freedom of Information. The Privacy Policy of the Association contains the principles and rules of data management and information regarding the withdrawal of data management consent, which may be accessed here: The user acknowledges the contents of the Data Management and Privacy Policy, on the basis of which they implicitly accept and give their consent to all the forms of management regarding their personal data indicated by the Policy. In correlation with the data management according to the Regulation, the user shall not enforce their claims against either the Company, or against the external contributors possibly employed by the company for the purpose of data management.
    13. Participants acknowledge by online registration; that image, video and audio recordings will be made at the event, which may expose the participants to be recognizable. The image, video and audio recordings may be made public and published in any written or electronic medium. The participants of the event give their consent to the production of image, video or audio recordings mentioned above by their participation and acknowledge that they may not raise any claims in connection with these recordings, nor against the organizers, the makers of the recordings, or their rightful users.
  3. Legal relationship related to Service usage:
    1. The tickets purchased via the System are freely transferable. The User declares that they only transfer the ticket to another person in case the new holder of the ticket accepts the Service Provider’s GTC, as well as the Event’s policy. In case the User transfers the ticket they shall confirm beforehand the actual attending person’s name during the Event registration in order to be admitted to the Event.
    2. In case the Event may be cancelled, the process of returning the purchased tickets or the other possibilities of their usage, and the related locations and deadlines will be disclosed by the Service Provider on the website related to the Event. The User acknowledges that Service Provider is not obliged to hold the Event at the address or location shown on the ticket, the website of the Event, or in any other communication of the Service Provider regarding the Event. Service Provider furthermore shall not be obliged to hold the Event on the exact date and time shown on the above platforms, and Service Provider reserves the right to instead hold the given Event at any date and time within 14 months of the planned date and time shown on the above platforms.
    3. By purchasing the ticket the User declares that they are duly aware of the dispositions set forth in the GTC concerning the attendance of the Service Provider’s events and the usage of the tickets, as well as other policies of the Service Provider set forth on the Event’s website, and that they purchased the tickets with this in mind.
  4. Process of the purchase:
    1. The User does not need prior registration to use the System. Tickets may be purchased for several beneficiaries by one purchase.
    2. The agreement concerning the purchase of the ticket is concluded between the Parties as soon as the intent to purchase is confirmed by the User by hitting the “Confirm order” button at the purchase platform of the Service Provider, after filling out all necessary information for the purchase (i.e. the conclusion of the agreement does not depend on User’s payment of the purchase price or Service Provider sending the confirmation e-mail) (click here to access the General Customer Notice of OTP Bank). Process and details of the purchase can be followed in the “My orders” menu of the Service Provider’s website, as well as via the confirmation e-mails sent by the payment and invoicing partners. User can correct any incorrectly provided data before confirming his intent to purchase by sending an e-mail to
    3. Following the conclusion of the purchase agreement according to Section IV. 2 above, the Service Provider sends an affirmatory automatic confirmation e-mail, and in case no online payment was made, sends a pro forma invoice to the e-mail address provided by the User as an attachment as well. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for the damages that occur due to User providing an incorrect e-mail address. The User shall only become entitled to participate in the Event if the full amount of the purchase price of the ticket has been paid.
    4. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for faults that occur during payment.
    5. The successfulness of the purchase does not depend on the fact of sending a confirmation. The failure to send a confirmation may also be caused by a communications fault. If the confirmation is not sent within 1 hour from the purchase, the User can indicate the failure of receiving a confirmation by sending an e-mail to the Service Provider’s e-mail address:
    6. The purchase can be interrupted without consequences any time before the payment is made.
    7. Individual ticket prices are indicated on the website of the Event in question. The prices include VAT, are calculated in HUF and EUR, and contain the amount of the up-to-date VAT, which is indicated on the tickets. The PDF the Service Provider generates following the purchase also contains:
      1. The planned address, time and location of the Event,
      2. The billing data,
      3. The participant’s (participants’) data
    8. In case of credit card payment the Customer accepts International Property Network Zrt. (1027 Budapest, Bem József u. 1/B.) at to provide the following personal data stored in its user database to OTP Mobile Ltd. (1093 Budapest, Közraktár utca 30-32.) Provided data: family name, given name, country, phone number, e-mail address. The purpose of data transmission: customer support for users, confirming transactions and fraud-monitoring for users defence.
  5. Withdrawal, guarantee dispositions:
    1. After the User paid for the ticket, the User is not entitled to withdraw from the purchase agreement. Subject to the provisions of Section V. 2 below, the Services Provider will not provide refunds for completed purchases and the tickets are not returnable.
    2. The Service Provider does not take the ticket back – except for the purpose of replacing damaged tickets, and does not refund the amount of the purchase price. After the purchase, the User is only entitled to request a correction or replacement based on a fault that emerged on the Service Provider's website, in any other cases, for example for faults due to incorrect data provision, data fault, or a fault that occurred on the payment or invoicing partners' website, the User shall have no claims against the Service Provider.
    3. To the User's written complaint the Service Provider shall give a substantial written answer within 30 days the latest, and in case the complaint is deemed unfounded, a justification of this point of view shall be given. A verbal complaint shall be immediately examined by the Service Provider, and in case the complaint is not accepted, it shall be registered, and the content of the complaint shall be given a substantial answer within 30 days.
    4. In case (either as a result of Governmental or other authority decisions restricting the holding of gatherings above a certain number of participants or as a result of Service Provider's discretionary decision) the Service Provider decides to hold the Event via a virtual platform instead of in a way or at a venue that requires the participants' physical presence, the Service Provider shall reimburse 70% of the purchase price paid by the User for the ticket. User shall not be entitled to withdraw from the purchase agreement, nor to request any additional reimbursement apart from the above, nor to claim any damages on any other legal grounds in connection to the change to a virtual Event. User shall be obliged to accept and comply with any reasonable changes made to the schedule and details of the Event, the present GTC, or Service Provider's privacy policy in connection to the change to a virtual platform for holding the Event.
  6. Legal disputes:
    1. The present GTC is governed by Hungarian law. In case of a dispute, The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any and all disputes relating to the violation, termination, validity or interpretation of the present GTC shall be - depending on the amount in dispute - the Court of the Central District of Buda (Budai Központi Kerületi Bíróság) or the Tribunal of Székesfehérvár (Székesfehérvári Törvényszék).
    2. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for the conduct of the User during the Service, the course of the Event, or on the website related to the Service. The Service Provider shall not be liable for User’s conduct during the use of the Services. In such a case the Service Provider fully cooperates with the competent authorities in order to explore the infringements that occurred in relation to the website.
    3. The User accepts that they shall act by observing the provisions of the relevant national legislation while using the Service or the related website. In case any activity related to using the System is not permitted according to the Service Provider, the laws of Hungary, or the law of the User’s country, Service Provider shall not be liable for the consequences of such activity.
    4. The User may announce their complaints concerning the usage of the Service at the following contacts:
      • Personally: 1027 Budapest, Bem József u. 1/B. (workdays between 9 am – 5 pm)
      • Online customer service:
  7. Trademarks and intellectual properties figuring on the website:
    1. The trademarks found on the Service’s website are the exclusive property of the Service Provider or other right owners. These markings shall not be used, transmitted or published in any way by third parties without the explicit and written consent of the Service Provider or the right owners.
    2. The information and other documents accessible via the website are under copyright protection. The Service Provider or the right owners are entitled to the related rights. The information and other materials accessible via the website shall not be used, copied, transmitted or published in any way by third parties without the explicit and written consent of the Service Provider or the right owners.
    3. In regards to the data provided by the User while using the Service the Service Provider becomes the data controller with the User’s authorization. In regards to the detailed rules of data procession the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy shall apply.
    4. The Service Provider becomes entitled to utilize, use, publish or delete the comments posted by the User regarding the usage of the Service without restrictions, and without any obligation to provide any form of consideration to the User.
  8. Remedies regarding the processing of personal data
    1. The User may revoke their agreement to the use of their personal data, however the User does not become entitled for reimbursement of any of their preceding payments based on the fact that due to their revocation the Service Provider cannot appropriately provide Service to the User, including participation in the Event. The User may revoke its agreement to the use of their personal data by means of a message in text form to the contact stated above.
    2. The User’s personal data will be deleted if the User so requests, unless statutory retention duties prescribe otherwise, and provided that the User have asserted a claim for deletion, if the data is no longer required for fulfilling the purpose for which the data was stored or if storing the data is not permitted for any other statutory reasons. It means also that the duration of data processing shall either be for (i) the period set forth in applicable laws; or (ii) an indefinite period of time (i.e. either until you request that your data be erased); or (iii) until the relevant purpose applicable to a particular data ceases to exist).
    3. Pursuant to Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (hereinafter: “Info Act”) the User has a right to be given free-of-charge information about the data stored about them, to object to the processing of data relating to them and to correction, blocking or deletion of data, if applicable by sending a requesting letter to the abovementioned address or e-mail of the data controller (Service Provider and/or Net Média).
    4. If User is not satisfied with the received information on their privacy matter, User has the right to enforce their rights on their personal data at the competent court, or at the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (address: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.; E-mail:; phone number: +36 -1-391-1400; homepage:
Budapest, 2024.
International Property Network Zrt.


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