In December 2021, the construction output increased by 8.1%, year-on-year (y-o-y), in real terms. In the month-on-month (m-o-m) comparison, it was 1.8% higher. December was, in terms of year-on-year indices, the most successful month of 2021 too. The planning and building control authorities granted 8.3% more building permits, y-o-y. The approximate value of permitted constructions increased by 52.8%, y-o-y. The number of started dwellings increased by 120.8%, y-o-y. The number of completed dwellings decreased by 18.7%, y-o-y, the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) announced in a report.
“The total construction output in 2021 slightly increased after having decreased before, both in the building construction and civil engineering construction. During the year, construction struggled with extraordinary growth of prices and lack of construction capacities,” Radek Matějka, Director of the Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction, and Energy Statistics Department at the CZSO, says.
Construction in 2021
In 2021, the construction output increased by 1.4%, y-o-y, in real terms. The production in building construction increased by 1.5%, y-o-y (contribution +1.1 p. p.) and the production of civil engineering construction increased by 1.0%, y-o-y (contribution +0.3 p. p.). The average registered number of employees in construction decreased by 1.1%, y-o-y, in 2021. Their average gross monthly nominal wage increased by 5.1%, y-o-y, in 2021. In 2021, the number of construction orders of construction enterprises with 50+ employees increased by 15.3%, y-o-y; the enterprises received and concluded 78 517 construction orders in the Czech Republic. The total value of these orders increased by 14.7%, y-o-y, and amounted to CZK 290.2 billion. The building construction orders were for CZK 127.2 billion (an increase of 10.2%) and those for civil engineering constructions were for CZK 163.0 billion (an increase of 18.4%). The average value of a newly concluded construction order amounted to CZK 3.7 million and was by 0.5% lower, y-o-y. By the end of 2021, construction enterprises with 50+ employees had 19.0 thousand orders contracted (increase by 4.8%) and these orders represented the inventory of still unperformed construction works of the total value of CZK 225.7 billion (increase by 13.2%).
In 2021, the number of building permits granted increased by 5.8%, y-o-y; the planning and building control authorities granted 90 960 building permits. The approximate value of constructions permitted in 2021 was CZK 521.9 billion and increased by 33.9% compared to that of 2020. The number of dwellings started in 2021 increased by 28.3%, y-o-y, and was 45 244 dwellings. The number of dwellings started in family houses increased by 9.4% and the number of dwellings started in multi-dwelling buildings increased by 84.1%. The number of completed dwellings in 2021 increased by 0.7%, y-o-y, and amounted to 34 641 dwellings. The number of completed dwellings in family houses decreased by 1.0%, y-o-y, and the number of completed dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings decreased by 0.4%.