News Article Ceetrus Ciprian Comșulea Cluj-Napoca Nhood Romania Romania Urbano Group
by Property Forum | Investment

Urbano Group will start this year the development of a commercial project in the western part of Cluj-Napoca metropolitan region and named Nhood Romania as exclusive agent of the new complex branded as Urbano Shopping & Living.

The first project phase is slated for completion in 2025 and will include a commercial gallery and a hub for supermarkets and restaurans. The second phase is planned for completion in 2026 and will feature additional functions for the community. The complex will be developed on a 27-hectare land plot.

Ciprian Comșulea, Executive Manager of Urbano Group, said the project is part of a new raft of investment with a long-term outlook that are conducted in Cluj-Napoca.

In Romania, Nhood manages Ceetrus’ network of 21 Auchan hypermarkets and the mixed-use scheme Cartier Coresi in Brașov.